"Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to
the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything".
If you like Hip Hop or Eminem, Blues or Jazz, Techno or Soft,
Country Style or Modern, even if you are happy just with the melodies, then,
this article is for you. This is for anyone who understands the enchanting
world of Music...
What is Music?
Music is a universal language that has a powerful impact on every being. For some it is an expression
while for others it may be their solitude. Some may dance to the beat while
others may just hum the tune. When you are alone in the crowd, Music finds you. The power of Music is something that we all feel
around us, every time. It is a feeling that is difficult to express in words.
This is Music..
"Music is God's little reminder that there is something else
besides us in this Universe, a
harmonic connection between all living beings,
everywhere, even the stars".
-Wizard (August Rush)
The power of music is such that it can make the saddest soul on
earth fill with content, give some hope and faith to move on. It can relieve
you of the pain that you have borne for so long. It becomes your companion that absorbs all the loneliness. It brings joy and strength. It brings heaven on the
Earth. This is Music..
"Music was my refuge. I could crawl into the spaces between
the notes and curl my back to loneliness".
-Maya Angelou
Music helps you to express all that words can never hold. Every
fragment of your body responds to it as if it is a part of you. It is the voice
of your emotions. Happy? You'll turn to the loudest of the rhythms to dance.
Sad? Your hands will move automatically towards the melodies to cushion your
heart. Crazy? Let's listen to Kesha or maybe Minaj. Low? How about 'The Climb'!
There are anthems for your Patriotism and for your sports craze too.This is
"Music Expresses that which can not be put into words and
that which can not remain silent".
You don't need any booze to have an 'out of the world experience'.
Try some Coldplay with Thom Yorke on Imagine Dragons. Ecstatic! The feeling
when the beat drops is unbeatable than any of the feelings you can ever have.
This is Music..
"One good thing about Music,when it hits you, you feel no
-Bob Marley
It doesn't matter how much we write about Music, we can never
conclude its meaning. How can you define the infinite? Something that is
present far and wide. It is a magic of its own kind. When everything fails Music takes over. You can hear it everywhere. In the wind, in the light, its
all around you. Open yourself up and let the Music take over!
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